Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Imunoglobulin IgM IgG

What It Is

An immunoglobulin test measures the level of certain immunoglobulins, or antibodies, in the blood. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system to fight antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
The body makes different immunoglobulins to combat different antigens. For example, the antibody for chickenpox isn't the same as the antibody for mononucleosis. Sometimes, the body may even mistakenly make antibodies against itself, treating healthy organs and tissues like foreign invaders. This is called an autoimmune disease.
The five subclasses of antibodies are:
  1. Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is found in high concentrations in the mucous membranes, particularly those lining the respiratory passages and gastrointestinal tract, as well as in saliva and tears.
  2. Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the most abundant type of antibody, is found in all body fluids and protects against bacterial and viral infections.
  3. Immunoglobulin M (IgM), which is found mainly in the blood and lymph fluid, is the first to be made by the body to fight a new infection.
  4. Immunoglobulin E (IgE), which is associated mainly with allergic reactions (when the immune system overreacts to environmental antigens such as pollen or pet dander). It is found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes.
  5. Immunoglobulin D (IgD), which exists in minute amounts in the blood, is the least understood antibody.
IgA, IgG, and IgM are frequently measured simultaneously. Evaluated together, they can give doctors important information about immune system functioning, especially relating to infection or autoimmune disease.

Why It's Done

Once an antibody is produced against a specific antigen, the next time that antigen enters the body, the immune system "remembers" its response and produces more of the same antibodies. In that way, checking for the presence of specific immunoglobulins in the blood can be helpful in diagnosing or ruling out infections or certain other illnesses.
Doctors also rely on the immunoglobulin test as one of the tools to help diagnose immunodeficiencies (when the immune system isn't working properly). A person can be born with an immunodeficiency or acquire it through infection, disease, malnutrition, burns, or as a side effect of medications. Doctors may suspect an immunodeficiency in a child who experiences frequent or unusual infections.
Immunoglobulin levels are also used as part of an evaluation for autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and celiac disease.

Saat kita terinfeksi, tubuh kita akan memproduksi antibodi. antibodi yang pertama muncul adalah Ig M. makanya kalo ada Ig M, artinya infeksinya baru nih, walaupun Ig M bisa bertahan sampai 2 bulan semenjak infeksinya muncul, jadi cuma jadi bahan patokan kasar aja. Abis itu, barulah muncul Ig G.
Begini cara penafsirannya:
1. saat diperiksa, hanya Ig M aja yang terdeteksi –> mungkin infeksinya baru, jadi Ig G belum kebentuk.
2. saat diperiksa, Ig M dan Ig G terdeteksi –> artinya infeksinya uda lebih lama, jadi Ig G uda kebentuk sementara Ig M belum ilang.
3. saat diperiksa, hanya Ig G yang terdeteksi –> artinya infeksinya uda lama, jadi tinggal Ig Gnya aja yang masih ada, Ig Mnya uda ilang. Ig G ini berfungsi sebagai memori pertahanan tubuh, jadi lain waktu mendapat infeksi yang sama, uda bisa cepat dilawan karena uda ada Ig Gnya. jadi jangan
mengobati Ig G positi.

Arti IgM dengue pada pemeriksaan demam berdarah, adalah Pada saat ini bila positif menunjukkan bahwa penderita mengidap Demam Berdarah, Bila negatif bahwa penderita tidak ATAU BELUM terdeteksi demam berdarah (bila terlalu dini mengambil sampel darah, hasilnya bisa negatif padahal penderita mengidap demam berdarah)

Sedang IgG menunjukkan positif bila penderita pernah menderita demam berdarah sebelum pemeriksaan saat ini.
Kalau negatif artinya penderita baru pertama kali menderita demam berdarah dengan syarat IgM-nya positif. bila IgM-nya negatif artinya penderita bukan mengidap demam berdarah dan belum pernah mengidap Demam berdarah.

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